Vivi and Desmos: Take Your Math Instruction to New Heights

15 June 2024 | By Juliana Finegan

What if every math lesson could capture students’ attention and transform even the most complex problems into engaging, interactive learning experiences? Thanks to educational technology, this is easier than ever in classrooms worldwide. Recent studies have shown a compelling impact: when technology is utilized in math instruction, student engagement soars by 58.7%. This statistic highlights the powerful role that education technology tools like Vivi and Desmos play in classrooms daily, ensuring lessons are accessible and impactful for all students.

Desmos Studio PBC (“Desmos”) – known for its sophisticated mathematical tools, including graphing calculators and dynamic geometry software, utilized by over 100 million people globally each year – is an essential resource for understanding and exploring mathematics, integrated into various educational assessments and platforms worldwide. Students use these powerful tools daily to solve problems, calculate answers, graph quadratic equations, and complete assessments. But how can their peers learn from this work? Enter Vivi!

Imagine a whole class of students working on their math problem set – with help from their Desmos graphic calculator – when the teacher notices an innovative approach. Instead of just talking through their ideas, the student can wirelessly share their Desmos calculator screen as well as their virtual whiteboard (included with Vivi) to the front of the room – no extra time or stress.

Desmos calculator is displayed on various devices

5 ways to leverage the power of Vivi and Desmos tools in your next lesson:

  1. Model multiple methods: Ditch passing out physical whiteboards; instead, have students work out problems using Vivi’s virtual whiteboard in combination with their Desmos Calculator. When they’re finished, pick a few students to share their work on both and explain their methodology, all from the comfort of their desks.
  2. Real-time feedback: As students showcase their Desmos calculator via Vivi, teachers can provide immediate feedback and clarification, promoting an iterative learning process where students refine their understanding and skills actively.
  3. Peer teaching: Students can use Desmos tools to lead problem-solving sessions, and then present their methods and results via Vivi. This peer-led teaching enhances their understanding and boosts confidence in the subject.
  4. Compare and contrast collaboration: Students can explore and complete mathematical problems independently using Desmos tools and then share and compare their findings via Vivi. This type of activity fosters a culture of collaboration and inspires engaging and powerful content-based discourse.
  5. Interactive demonstrations: Teachers and students can use Desmos tools to demonstrate complex mathematical models and then share them live through Vivi, making abstract concepts tangible and interactive.

student using tablet for math

By leveraging Vivi’s wireless screen-sharing capabilities alongside Desmos’s interactive calculators, educators can quickly and easily implement powerful, and accessible learning experiences for all students by bridging the gap between independent and collaborative learning. Ready to try it for yourself?

Get started for free!

New to Vivi: Empower your students to share their work, Desmos calculators, and virtual whiteboards for free with Vivi for Teachers. Learn more and start transforming your math instruction today.

Already using Vivi: Go here to launch the Desmos calculator for you or your students and get started! Happy sharing!

This article was jointly produced by Juliana Finegan, VP, Educator Experience at Vivi, and Meaghan Maguire, Director of Partner Strategy & Success at Desmos.