How UK Schools Can Choose the Best Emergency Alert System

18 September 2024 | By viviedu

As school safety increasingly becomes a priority for education leaders, it’s crucial for schools to be fully prepared to handle a wide array of potential emergencies. From medical or behavioural incidents involving a few staff and pupils to large-scale emergencies affecting the entire campus, the need for comprehensive emergency preparedness plans has never been greater. With incidents rising year on year, having a reliable emergency alert system is no longer a luxury – it’s a necessity.

Every day, schools take on a unique responsibility, hosting hundreds or even thousands of students, staff, and visitors, each with varying needs and vulnerabilities.

Events like natural disasters, health emergencies, and security threats require an immediate and well-coordinated response.

The UK government emphasises that schools must not only develop comprehensive emergency plans but also regularly review and update them to comply with legal obligations and meet local authority guidelines. Regular reviews ensure that emergency measures are effective and aligned with current requirements.

Choosing the right emergency alert systems

But planning alone is not enough. Schools should also have the systems and tools to ensure their emergency plans are carried out when needed.

When an incident demands immediate action at your school, rapid communication with everyone in the school – pupils, staff, and visitors – is critical. How can you ensure that your messages are promptly and effectively received by all?

A modern emergency alert system is vital. It does more than send messages; it ensures they reach every individual immediately and clearly. Imagine the efficiency of sending alerts to emergency responders while simultaneously notifying classrooms, offices, and mobile devices. Visual alerts on digital displays can provide clear instructions amidst noise or confusion, enhancing safety and clarity during critical moments.

According to UK government guidelines on emergency planning and response for education settings, schools must coordinate with local services such as police, fire, and health authorities, and regularly train staff on the effective use of emergency systems. Involving parents and the wider school community in safety planning is also highly recommended to foster a culture of preparedness.

Having all systems work together seamlessly is key to enabling swift responses and safeguarding your school community.

Advice on choosing the right emergency alert solution

You know a reliable emergency alert system is crucial for your school’s safety. But with so many options available, how do you choose the right one? Here are a few expert tips:

10 features to look for in an emergency alert system

  1. Comprehensive school-wide coverage: Ensure the system can disseminate information quickly throughout your school building(s).
  2. Clear and concise communication: Choose systems that support using various formats or media, including both silent visual alerts and audible alarms.
  3. Variety of communication channels: The system should offer diverse communication options such as SMS, email, PA systems, and on-screen alerts to guarantee widespread coverage.
  4. Open to integration: Choose systems that seamlessly integrate with your existing infrastructure via open API for coordinated responses.
  5. Teacher-activated broadcasts: Allow teachers to send out emergency alerts quickly and easily through an intuitive interface.
  6. Customisable alerts: Look for a system that allows tailoring messages according to the specific needs of your community and buildings.
  7. Adherence to local regulations: Ensure the system adheres to local legislation and guidelines on safety and emergency response.
  8. Enhanced situational awareness: Select a system that provides real-time updates and insights during an emergency to help inform critical decisions.
  9. Robust security and control settings: The system should include features like user permissions and access controls to prevent misuse and ensure appropriate use.
  10. Simplicity in critical moments: In stressful situations, simplicity matters. Opt for systems that are easy to use and require minimal training to operate efficiently.

Don’t wait for an emergency to happen. Explore how Vivi’s emergency alerts system integrates with your existing technology to send visual alerts quickly to every connected display. Watch the video below to see how it works.